4 Critical Parts Of Your Brain You Must Know & Why

If you’ve been reading the previous articles, it’s safe to say that you’re fully aware of the fact that you have the most advanced and powerful computer that has ever been created. I’ve made sure to repeat this so it sinks in your noggin. If this is your first time hearing this, well now you know, and I know you know that I’m talking about your brain. Therefore, let’s now explore the four critical parts of your brain as promised in the headline.

4 critical parts of your brain

The largest and perhaps the most important part of your brain is called the Cerebrum. And although it’s only a part of your brain, it’s the part that most people imagine their whole brain supposedly looks like. Yet, this is the part of the brain we’re about to break down into four parts, or four lobes to be exact.

You see, your Cerebrum is divided into four main lobes called the Frontal Lobe, Temporal Lobe, Parietal Lobe and Occipital Lobe. And here’s where things start getting more interesting, so let’s check them out.

The Frontal Lobe: The Frontal Lobe is of course in the front part of your brain. It’s the part of the brain responsible for thinking, decision making, reasoning, planning, organizing, problem solving, personality, social behavior and language. Yeah, quite a mouthful! It’s basically where conscious rational thoughts are processed and monitored.

Now, the Frontal Lobe contains a section called the Motor Cortex which is involved in voluntary movements such as wiggling your toes. Yet, keep the Frontal Lobe in mind, (well it’s already in your brain) because we’re going to discuss something very important regarding it.

  • The Motor Cortex: Located on the rear part of your Frontal Lobe, the Motor Cortex is responsible for conscious movements throughout your body. It’s basically the command center that allows you to move your tongue, lips, jaw, eyes, hands, feet and other parts of your body at will. In other words, this is what makes you responsible for the deliberate physical actions you take in life. That’s not to say that emotions aren’t also a contributor.

how does the motor cortex work

The Parietal Lobe: The Parietal Lobe is on the top part of your Cerebrum. It receives, interprets and processes sensory information through the Somatosensory Cortex within it. These include touch, pressure, pain and temperature.

It mainly regards Tactile sensations which is basically a fancy word for skin sensations. The Parietal Lobe is also associated with things such as movement, orientation, recognition, perception, and stimuli.

  • The Somatosensory Cortex: This processes sensations from the environment around you. It receives sensory information from your tongue, lips, eyes, hands, feet, skin and other parts of your body. In essence, your Somatosensory Cortex helps you perceive the world with your different body part senses, while your Motor Cortex moves these same body parts according to your will. In fact, the Somatosensory Cortex is located just behind the Motor Cortex since they kind of coordinate with each other.

The Temporal Lobe: The Temporal Lobe is on the left and right side of your brain. It mainly processes auditory information from your ears (well obviously because we don’t hear with our nose). However, it also processes information from other senses such as smell and taste. Furthermore, it’s responsible for helping you understand language as well.

Yet, let’s discuss two very notable parts within your Temporal Lobe that can totally be assets in your life endeavors. The Amygdala, which is linked to your emotions, and the Hippocampus, famous for storing and handling your memories.

how does the amygdala work

  • The Amygdala: The Amygdala is an almond shaped part within your Temporal Lobe. In fact, the name Amygdala is Greek for almond. It mainly controls your emotional responses such as fear, as well as social and sexual behavior. The Amygdala is basically the command center for your emotional reactions.For example, when facing an extreme situation like danger, your Amygdala sends Adrenaline and Cortisol Hormones to the body’s blood stream. These are stress hormones that work fast and are usually efficient at preparing your body for a needed action, hence an adrenaline rush, the fight or flight response, or the least popular panic.In fact, the feeling of danger and fear reaches the amygdala way before it reaches your Frontal Lobe, where you make conscious decisions. This is why you react the way you do if someone surprises you with a scare. In normal conditions, the brain just sends electrical signals throughout the body to make them move at your will.Your Amygdala is usually triggered by exterior, extreme and exciting stimulation for automatic responds, whether they’re good situations or bad ones. Yet because your Amygdala is responsible for your emotional reactions, let me introduce to you a method that will help you have more control of your Amygdala and process more of the exterior information through your Frontal Lobe.In other words, this will allow you to have more control of your emotions, yourself and your outcomes in life. This means the reduction of panic, fear and doubt which are usually the main culprits that keep people from achieving their goals. In fact, this is a method that even the Military has been using for quite a while. It’s composed of four ways that will help you override your Amygdala to your advantage.

TIAAY TIP 1: 4 Ways To Override Your Amygdala

1.Keep your goal in mind vividly and constantly so that your Frontal Lobe keeps concentrated on the outcome you want which in turn reduces your Amygdala’s sensation of fear, danger and impulsiveness.

2.Visualize your goal with all your senses. When you practice the outcome you want in your imagination using all your senses, your brain, mainly your subconscious mind perceives it as something that is actually happening. This is because your subconscious mind doesn’t really know the difference between what’s real and what isn’t.

So when you’re imagining the smell, sight, sound, taste and touch of something, your brain thinks it’s actually there. What this does is it stimulates your brain to believe in the outcome as something real, which helps it to see it as something attainable since it perceives it as something already here.

This mental practice also allows your brain to execute towards your goal more naturally as though you’re actually practicing something physically. Visualization is basically lifting weights for your brain to strengthen its aspiration, belief, ability and automation. That’s why this is such a critical mental exercise for you to do.

3.Affirmations and or positive self-talk are yet other critical parts of this method. At the very least, this is like being your own cheerleader to keep yourself motivated throughout your journey. Speaking to yourself in a positive way helps your Frontal Lobe focus on the process at hand and also helps override the fear signal coming from the Amygdala. And of course, affirmations help you not only believe but also become what you need to be in order to achieve what you want.

4.Finally, taking deep slow breaths is also an essential step to take, and for more reasons than one. Taking deep slow breaths will help you relax, provide you more sensation of peace, as well as bring more oxygen to your brain which makes your brain perform better. All of this will empower your Frontal Lobe and dis-empower your Amygdala, which means of course that you’ll be able to better overcome fear and doubt.

TIAAY TIP 2: The Best Way To Override Your Amygdala And More

No doubt, overriding your Amygdala to overcome your fears and doubts will certainly help you. Unfortunately, these are not the only battles preventing you from achieving your goals. In fact, there are precisely 16 things keeping you from achieving what you want in life. What are they? And how can you overcome them? Well, to find out, click here The Critters & Weeds for the TIAAY eBook that’s specifically designed to guide you on overcoming these 16 battles.

how to improve your brain

Back To Your Brain Parts…

  • The Hippocampus: Different types of memories are spread throughout different parts of your brain, like remembering how to speak, walk and new information you learn. In essence, your memory fundamentally makes you who you are. However, the Hippocampus is the main storage of your memories, and the place where you retrieve them from. Simply put, it helps you learn new things by storing what you learn and giving you the ability to recall such information when necessary. The Hippocampus looks like a seahorse and it’s actually the reason why it got its name, which is also Greek. Wow Toula’s father from ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’ was right! Anyway, let’s now consider some tips that will help you improve your memory.

TIAAY TIP 3:  9 Ways To Improve Your Memory

1.Reduce your stress as much as you can, such as through relaxation meditation.

2.Sleep well, if possible 6 to 8 hours a night.

3.Read books and articles as much as you can.

4.Supplements such as Genius Consciousness, Brain Booster and Neuro Health are designed specifically to improve your memory.

5.Play brain games to exercise your brain.

6.Exercise your body.

7.Learn new things.

8.Reduce multi-tasking.

9.Consuming appropriate amounts of Omega 3 can help too.

how to enhance your brain

Back To Your Brain Parts…

The Occipital Lobe: Although the Occipital Lobe is in the back part of your Cerebrum, it is mainly responsible for your vision. It receives and processes visual information directly from your eyes. I mean, have you ever heard of how images are actually projected upside-down in the back of your eyes? Well, the Occipital Lobe is what interprets that upside down image and makes sense of it. In a later article we’ll discuss how your eyes work and touch further on this as well. For now, keep in mind that your Occipital Lobe is what helps you interpret the images you’re seeing.


You see how easy and brief that was! Now we just need to break your brain into five other parts, which we’ll do on the next article. We actually still have a couple more articles about your brain before we move on to the next part of you, ‘How your eyes work and how to enhance them’. The more you understand how your body functions, the more you will appreciate what you’re truly made of, and the more you will realize how powerful you are. We’re going for a lasting realization of the overall value and potential you have, which means knowing what you have in your arsenal and how to use them.

Look, you’re a machine, an awesome and powerful machine! And your brain has the capacity to accomplish incredible things in life for you. Knowing this alone should begin to override any limiting false ideas you may have been conditioned with throughout your life. You literally do have what it takes! You just need to learn how to make it all work for you. Therefore, let’s break your brain down a little more on the next article shall we.

A Review:

  • The largest and perhaps the most important part of your brain is called the Cerebrum.
  • Your Cerebrum can be divided into four sections called the Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Temporal Lobe and Occipital Lobe.
  • The role of your Somatosensory Cortex is to process sensory information.
  • The role of your Motor Cortex is to process deliberate body movements.
  • The role of your Amygdala is to process certain emotions such as fear.
  • The role of your Hippocampus is to store your memories.
  • We’re going to divide your brain into five parts on the next article.
  • As a reminder, although I make sure to recommend the most effective, trustworthy and high-quality supplements, it still may be a good idea to consult with a doctor before taking anything, especially if you have allergies.

Did You Know? 

The Amygdala was removed from a few rats and as a result they were no longer afraid of anything.

Next Article: 5 Critical Parts Of Your Brain You Must Know And Why →

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